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Prenatal care

Life today is full of psychological strain, stress and adverse environmental effects.

This, unfortunately, has a negative impact on a person's reproductive function and significantly affects the harmony of family life.

Our specialists provide infertility diagnosis and treatment. We carry out all the necessary examinations. If there is a need to perform laparoscopic diagnostics or treatment, it is performed in Jurmala Hospital.

The service is provided by doctors:

  • Juris Iljenkovs

  • Renars Parādnieks 


Dr. Juris Iljenkovs also specializes in artificial insemination.

Our goal is to give each of us the opportunity to enjoy the happiness of becoming parents.

Non-invasive prenatal test - NIFTY

NIFTY(Non-invasive Fetal Trisomy Test)-Nr.1 in the world

Provides screening for certain genetic diseases from the 10th week of pregnancy. The test checks for the most common trisomy conditions present at birth, which are Down syndrome, Edward syndrome and Patau syndrome.

Safe - no risk of miscarriage.

Accurate ->99% sensitivity to detect trisomy diseases such as Down syndrome.

Simple - Test with a small 10 ml maternal blood sample after the 10th week of pregnancy.

Reliable - Approximately 3,500,000 tests performed worldwide and the false positive rate is only 0.05%.

Compared to conventional screening tests, the NIFTY test provides higher accuracy and a lower false-positive rate.


  •  NIFTY basic- 280 Eur

  •  NIFTY standard - 370 Eur

  •  NIFTY plus - 500 Eur

  •  NIFTY twins - 370 Eur

Termination of pregnancy


If an unwanted pregnancy has occurred. Regarding termination of pregnancy, it is important to reflect on the current situation, to make a responsible decision.

First, you should go to a family doctor or a gynecologist. The doctor will assess the general state of health, confirm that the pregnancy has really occurred, determine the period of pregnancy and order several tests - blood tests for syphilis and determination of the rhesus factor. If necessary, the doctor can order additional examinations. The doctor will write a referral for the abortion procedure, which can be performed no sooner than 72 hours after the visit to the doctor.

During the conversation with the doctor, try to find out all the questions that interest you! The doctor's duty is to listen to the patient and answer his questions, but the doctor cannot know what is unclear to you if you do not ask. So don't be shy and ask safely! It is important to find out how the abortion will be performed, what medicines will be used, what complications there might be and their signs after the abortion. In the excitement, it often happens that the most important things are forgotten, so it is useful to think over unclear questions before the visit and write them down on a piece of paper so that nothing is left unanswered.

If a woman has an untreated genital infection and has an abortion, the risk of complications, which are the most common cause of post-abortion infertility, is greatly increased. If you have any complaints - itching, unusual secretions, rashes in the genital area, you or your partner must tell the doctor! Also, if partners have changed and a condom has not been used, the doctor should know. If you have had a sexually transmitted infection in the past, be sure to tell your doctor!

If you are under 16 years of age, you must tell your parents or guardians about your pregnancy, from whom you must obtain written consent to perform an abortion.

Even though right now, when you are considering an abortion, it might be difficult for you to think about preventing pregnancy in the future, it would be important to talk to your doctor about a safe and suitable contraceptive method for you.




Medical abortion can be performed up to the 7th week of pregnancy. This type of abortion is a termination of pregnancy with pharmacological preparations, its course resembles a spontaneous termination of pregnancy with bleeding from the genitals and cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Medical abortion takes place without anesthesia, but if necessary, painkillers can be used.

Medical abortion, as an alternative method to surgical termination of pregnancy, gives the woman options when choosing the method of termination of pregnancy. The advantage of medical abortion is high efficiency - up to 98.6%. A medical abortion makes it possible to eliminate the risk of complications that could occur during a surgical abortion and anesthesia, the risk of ascending infection is also reduced, because a medical abortion does not injure our "protective system" - the cervical canal.

No invasive methods (injections, surgical manipulations) are required, during which the risk of infection with hepatitis B, C, HIV could increase. Endometrium, myometrium and cervix are not injured. When using pills, the process is psychologically easier. Women might often have a fear of surgical manipulation. Medical abortion is well tolerated. To make sure that everything is in order with your health, be sure to visit the doctor two weeks after the abortion.

The doctor will check whether an infection has developed and also tell you how to take care of your reproductive health in the future. Talk to your doctor and choose the most suitable contraceptive method to safely avoid repeated abortions.



Up to the 12th week, an abortion can be performed by the surgical method. During it, the entrance to the uterus (cervix) is first widened with the help of special instruments, then the fetal ovum is separated from the uterine wall and taken out, with the help of a vacuum pump - the fetus is "sucked out" using a special, sharp instrument (curette), the fetus is mechanically separated and removed from the uterus.

During the abortion, local or general anesthesia is used, pain is not felt during the operation.

To make sure that everything is in order with your health, be sure to visit a doctor when you get your next period, after the abortion.

The doctor will check whether an infection has developed and also tell you how to take care of your reproductive health in the future. Talk to your doctor and choose the most suitable contraceptive method to safely avoid repeated abortions.


Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 590
In Riga on October 28, 2003 (Prot. No. 56 § 9)


Organizational procedure for termination of pregnancy

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